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Great Pottery Throw Down 2021 - Acoma pots

Well I have never heard of an Acoma pot before but coiling is undoubtedly one of the earliest methods of making a pot, along with pinching. But the truly momentous thing about last night's throw down was of course Sally getting the boot. Definitely didn't see that one coming. She has consistently been up there at the top of the tree throughout, but it does go to show that anyone can get it wrong one week and no matter how good they are, it's curtains.

I suppose that as you get nearer to the final they become less forgiving if something isn't 'on brief'. Alon knew he was a gonner, and to be honest his pots were not what they'd asked for and not really that good - in my humble opinion. His surface decoration has been a little bit dodgy in previous weeks, though he models well. Still I was sad to see him go, his off the wall approach has made him fun to have in the competition.

great pottery throwdown 2021 - Sal's Acomo pots

Sal is a great surface decorator, and an all round competent potter. She must have been kicking herself about the addition of the rim to her pot. In one moment of poor judgement she has gone from favourite to yesterday's potter . . . alas poor Sal.

great pottery throwdown 2021 - Adam's Acomo pots

Of those who did survive, my preferred maker last night was Adam. He has good skills, though a bit weak on throwing. His decoration of pots is excellent, I feel he has good taste and judgement. Jodie is of course a solid performer and probably the bookie's favourite now that Sal has gone. I would expect Hannah or Peter to be knocked out next week, but as last night proved, nothing is certain in this competition.