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Great Pottery Throw Down 2022 - Week 3

Porcelain and paper mixed as a clay: porcelain for its whiteness, and the paper to give it strength. It worked well for those using slabs and formers but was a disaster for those trying to coil and pinch with it - Miles and Anna. Presumably they all knew what they were making but the unknown was the clay . . . just bad luck for Anna and Miles.

So Miles had a stay of execution, he may well go next week, and Christine hung on, probably the week after. The big surprise this week was Nick - what an amazing piece he made, so much for my prediction that he was unlikely to make the final. But it can take people a while to settle down and some people are unlucky or lucky with the style of the make, and some people really improve in the course of the series.

Strong performances from Cellan, AJ, Tom and Lucinda who were all in my list of top potters.

Best thing of all for me was AJ’s street lamp on the bridge . . . just gorgeous.

The great pottery throwdown - Boat - Nick
The great pottery throwdown - Railway truck -Cellan